August 2023: The Battle Against Misinformation


- Newsletter News

- The Misinformation Battle

- Cast Your Vote - try RCV with a poll on potential Republican presidential candidates

SPOTLIGHT: Money, money money! - cost of primary elections

Our lobbyist was instrumental in stopping the bill to ban all RCV. Please donate to our Legislative Advocacy.


1. Newsletter News

RCV friends! We ended the regular session at the end of May, our June newsletter wrapped it up, and we will be sending a newsletter every other month until the next legislative session which starts in January 2025. 

With that, we are starting early and requesting support now from our legislators for the 89th Legislative Session (88th ended in May). Please complete our 3-question survey to generate personalized emails to your State Senator and Representative to let them know you support RCV. There is no better time to start preparing for the next Texas legislative session than right after the previous one ends.

2. The Misinformation Battle

Unfortunately, a significant challenge for our RCVforTexas campaign is combatting misinformation and educating Texans about RCV. To help us overcome the spread of misinformation, we have listed talking points to share with fellow Texans. 
  • Nonpartisan - RCV is a change in voting logistics that sometimes helps Republicans, sometimes helps Democrats, and always helps elect the most broadly supported candidate.
  • Saves money - Eliminating instant runoff elections is not a silver bullet but it can have a positive impact in saving money and making campaigns more civil.
  • Constitutional - Only one of each voter's choices is counted in each round. Just like today if someone votes in a general election and then in a runoff, that still is consistent with "one person, one vote."
  • Easy to use - The number of jurisdictions using RCV continues to increase providing valuable insights. Voter turnout in recent elections that used RCV has been high with exit polls showing that voters liked it and want to use it again. There is little evidence of voter confusion.

The U.S. now has years of experience across many locations to show how important and effective voter education can be, especially when RCV is first used. This is not an obstacle. Texas will be prepared! Continue to help us educate voters. 

3. Cast Your Vote

Remember to cast your vote for the Republican presidential candidate poll that we have created to test RCV. The folks that have responded to our poll show that they favor our hometown candidate, Will Hurd. Currently, Will Hurd wins after six rounds of tallying the vote. Unsurprisingly, our survey yields different results than the news media surveys that cast a wider net. 

SPOTLIGHT: Money, money money! 

Bar chart of primary election costs

It is mindboggling to think about how much money is spent on primary elections in Texas, including the cost of campaigns! In 2022, Texas taxpayers spent a whomping $21.8 million on primary elections. Using ranked choice voting with its instant runoffs would have saved $7.4 million or 34% of the total cost. Candidates and donors could have avoided campaign costs for a separate runoff election and applied those funds to the general election campaign. Taxpayer savings could be used to bolster election integrity or spent on education, health care, parks, or antyhing else. 

Using RCV would be fiscally responsible and plain common sense!

Spend under 1-minute to learn more by clicking the video below. Share with your friends!


  • August 22 at 7PM - RCV Speaker Training: Help educate the public about RCV. This training is for volunteers interested in becoming knowledgeable and confident to do RCV presentations. Register here
  • August 22 at 7:30PM - ICYMI: Make-up Virtual Chapter Meeting: Learn about our status heading into the next couple of years and connect with volunteers statewide! Register here.
  • August 16, 23, & 30  at 6:00PM - Volunteer Mobilization & Onboarding Phone Bank: Weekly phone bank to mobilize and onboard volunteers for the RCV cause. Register at our Event Calendar. 
  • August 29  at 6:30PM - Live Outreach and Onboarding Meeting: Preparation meeting to discuss in-person opportunities to recruit supporters and prepare you to talk about RCV. No prior experience is needed. Register here.
  • August 17, 24, & 31, July 6, 13, 20 & 27 at 7PM – RCV Pitch Training: Come learn how to talk to people when you are in the field and ask them to support our efforts to bring ranked choice voting to Texas. Register at our Event Calendar. 


Republicans Could Benefit From Ranked-Choice Voting - R Street

This a compelling article for Republicans to support RCV. Just like the GOP's recent embrace of early voting, Republicans should reconsider their position on RCV as another tool for winning elections.

Replace our 'minority rules' presidential primary system with ranked-choice voting - The Hill

For those of us who value democracy and the rule of law over the whims of a vocal minority, the current system is frightening. Another great article to win over any skeptic!

Watch: William Galston on Campaign 2024 - C-SPAN

What does a Governance Studies Senior Fellow from the Brookings Institution have to say about the next campaign cycle? And how does it involve RCV? Watch to find out. RCV is discussed at the 37:53 mark in the video. 

Ranked choice voting can help Kansas City elect candidates who represent the majority - The Kansas City Star

Commentary from a local newspaper on how to avoid being victimized by our current voting system. 

If you haven't yet, follow us on social media. You can find us anywhere:

Our lobbyist was instrumental in stopping the bill to ban all RCV.

Please donate to our Legislative Advocacy.